Rodents are very clever mammals; their breeding rate is also high as one pair can multiply to 800 in a year. They infest, destroy, contaminate more than they feed, because of their continue “GNOWING ACTION”.Â

Rodent cause severe diseases like rat bite fever, Laptospirosis, Plague, Trichinosis, Salmonellosis and also food poisoning.

House Mouse - They are small in size very clever, good climbers and live in homes, social environment.

Roof Rats - Large size, their tail was longer than their head+ body length, sexual maturity attended in 8 to 12 weeks. Body weights up to 150-200gms.Â

Norway Rats - Commonly found in drainage. Their tail was short than their head+ body length, they prefer the food containing carbohydrates & proteins. Body weights up to 400gm.

Bandicoot - This very ferocious looking rodent with long face. It does considerable damage to fields & buildings. Adult weight between 300 to 1000gm.

Rat Maturity- They mature in 8 to 12 weeks (Breeding)

Norway Rat- 8-12 pups/litter- 4 to 7 litter per year.

Roof rat- 4-8 pups/litter- 4 to 6 liters per year.

House mouse- gives 6 to 10 rats in 6 months.

Diseases caused by rodents - -

Leptospirosis - Â mouse carry germs and transmit through urine to food.Â

Trichinosis - Â by rat drooping in fooding material.

Typhus Fever - Â transmitted by fleas.

Rodent Control - Â Sound environmental sanitation is the most effective strategy. Rats required three things food, water & shelter. If these are denied rats will naturally decrease in density.

The control measure is divided in two parts- 1) Chemical Measure, 2) Mechanical Measure.

Mechanical Measure.

Proofing -  Close the premises for 2 to 3 hours. Do not wash floor with water and soap till 24 hrs. Air out the premises about half an hour prior to occupation This technique restricts the access of the rodent in an area. Various entry points are noted at the time of inspection and proofing measures are done like rat guard fitting, sealing of entry points, holes etc..

Trapping - Â The Trapping is done by inspecting the runway of rodents. Trapping was done for inside premises; if necessary it is done for outside premises also.

Trapping was done by using - Â Scissor Traps, Wonder Traps, Cages & Glue boards.

Rodent Bait Station - These are the rectangular metal boxes fitted closed to the outside wall. Rodents have tendency to feed in burrows & in darken places. Placing of poison bait or glue trap was a effective way to catch the rats.

Rat Guard - Â Rodents can climb easily over the drain pipes, gas pipes & other pipes fitted closely to the walls. They normally prefer the same runway. So to avoid the rodent to climb over the pipes Rat Guard fixing is most important concept.

Rat Guard - Â Are the galvanized metal sheet fitted systematically over the drain pipes , gas pipes & other pipes fitted closely which avoid the rodent to get entry into inside premises of building.

Chemical Measure - Â The anticoagulant rodenticides are used. The poison will be mixed in food material & baiting is done. Baiting will be done only for outside compound premises.

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